Lawmakers managed to fix Social Security in the 1980s. But those fixes won't work a second time.

Jun 28, 2024
The Social Security program is on track to burn through its savings account by 2035 unless Congress changes the law before then. Social Security faced a similar funding crisis in the early 1980s.
Some of the fixes used in 1983, like exposing benefits to taxation, were one-time solutions. Congress will have to agree on more ways to increase funding before the 2035 deadline comes around.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Why it's getting more expensive to hire workers in China

Aug 9, 2023
China’s government is making employers pay more into its social welfare system, just as the economy is stalling.
STR/AFP via Getty Images
The Trump administration's guidance on the temporary payroll tax cut is addressed to companies, not individual employees,
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Payroll tax cut could mean Social Security benefits run out sooner

A lot of older Americans rely on Social Security benefits to pay their bills.
William Thomas Cain/Getty Images

Trump's payroll tax holiday sows confusion

Aug 10, 2020
President Trump has ordered Treasury to stop collecting the employee portion of payroll taxes for some workers through the end of 2020.
President Donald Trump signs an executive order and three memorandums extending coronavirus economic relief on Aug. 8. How the payroll tax holiday would benefit Americans remains unclear.
Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images

Even with the payroll tax cut from Trump's executive action, companies might continue withholding

There's a lot of ambiguity to employers as to whether they're even allowed to reduce the withholding.
Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Trump considers carrying out COVID-19 economic relief with executive orders

That includes an eviction moratorium and a payroll tax cut.
President Trump has said he wants to bring back some of the coronavirus pandemic relief himself, through executive orders.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Would a payroll tax cut work in the COVID-19 economy?

Mar 11, 2020
Extra cash probably wouldn't get people to take cruises or go to concerts.
President Donald Trump has suggested a payroll tax cut to help with the economic slowdown caused by the spread of COVID-19.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Payroll taxes, not income taxes, mean more to many households

Nov 2, 2017
Much of the discussion around tax reform these last few weeks has focused on income tax and details like tax brackets and tax rates. Meanwhile, 40 percent of taxpayers don’t pay any income tax, while almost all of them see a payroll tax come out of their paychecks. It’s usually listed as FICA and helps […]